Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından geliştirilen modüller;
· Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığının 02.06.2006 tarih ve 269 sayılı
Kararı ile onaylanan, Mesleki ve Teknik Eğitim Okul ve Kurumlarında kademeli olarak yaygınlaştırılan 42 alan ve 192 dala ait çerçeve öğretim programlarında amaçlanan mesleki yeterlikleri kazandırmaya yönelik geliştirilmiş öğretim materyalleridir (Ders Notlarıdır).
A publication from the Marble Institute of America
This document is written as a general guideline. The Marble Institute of America (MIA) and its member companies have neither liability nor can they be responsible to any person or entity for any misunderstanding, misuse, or misapplication that would cause loss or damage of any kind, including loss rights, materials, or personal injury, or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this document.
Krankenhausreinigung ist kein einfaches Metier. Viele Vorschriften und Details müssen beachtet werden, die Anforderungen sind hoch, die Qualität muss stimmen und in Sachen Hygiene darf es keine Kompromisse geben – vor allem auch, wenn es um den Einsatz von Reinigungsmaschinen in hygienisch sensiblen Bereichen geht. Neue Wege zugunsten einer optimierten Reinigung im OP-Bereich: Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen im Klinikum Dortmund.
rationell reinigen | 3.2013
Sicurezza sul lavoro
Definizione dei concetti
Attrezzatura elettrotecnica
Corrente elettrica
Misure di sicurezza
Apparecchi elettrotecnici
Questo manuale si propone di offrire una panoramica generale, ovviamente perfettibile, ma nel suo piccolo completa e aggiornata di cosa sia possibile ascrivere alla voce “pulizia” per quanto riguarda l’aspetto igienico, tecnico, organizzativo ed economico.
Hardwood floor scratches are the bane of many a homeowner. Even the most careful person can accidentally scratch the finish on a hardwood floor and ruin the look of the whole room! On the other hand you don’t want to tiptoe around on the floor – you want to live in your home – so these fix-it tips may come in handy...
Chipped Plank Corners
It is the responsibility of the installer to check all planks prior to installing.
Most all laminate manufacturers take the view that when you install a damaged plank such as one with a chip in it, this becomes your responsibility and not theirs.
Chips at plank corners, especially those that cross over between planks are caused either during the installation process or by a dropped object...
a revolution in hard surface floor maintenance